CT/HRCT Scan for Diagnosis

CT or CAT scan stands for computerised tomography. HRCT scan is an acronym for High Resolution Computerised Tomography.CT and HRCT scanning uses X Rays and produces detailed images of the inside of the body. The images produced show the inside as a cross sectional (slices) through the heart and lung.

For diagnosing any lung condition, except for pulmonary hypertension (PH) CT and HRCT scanning are capable of showing even blood clots in the lungs and provide information about the heart as well.

Why is Chest CT Scan Bone?

A CT scan may be done to check the chest and its organs for

  • Blockages
  • Injuries
  • Infections
  • Tumours
  • Any lesions
  • Other health problems
  • Unexplained chest pain
  • Tb

CT scans are advanced diagnostic tools and come up when normal X-rays or physical exams are non conclusive.

CT scans may also be used-

  • To guide needle biopsies of thoracic organs or tumors.
  • Help remove a sample of fluid from the chest.
  • To keep an eye on tumours and other conditions of the chest before and after treatment.

Although the above list remains non exhausting.

HRCT vs Routine Chest CT

1- Routine chest CT scan

  • Helps detecting more than 5mm sized incision
  • It is capable of producing a little low resolution images
  • It’s slice thickness is usually 5-10mm
  • It takes low radiation dose
  • The scan length usually from 1” inch above the apices
  • It usually uses contrast media

 2- HRCT Chest

  • Can detect as small as 1-2mm lesion as well
  • It is capable of producing high resolution images as compared to normal CT
  • Its slice thickness is <2mm
  • It takes high radiation dose to improve SNR
  • It operates without contrast media

What to Prepare For The CT scan?

  • Clothing– you may be asked to change your clothes and wear a gown that you will be provided by your healthcare provider. Also you shall remove any piercings and jewellery if you have worn any.
  • Precautions– you must inform your doctor before hand only so as to discuss alternate plans for diagnoses.
  • Contrast media– Some Chest CT scans with Contrast media are done as the contrast media improves the quality of CT scan report so your doctor will be able to read the report more easily.
  • If you have kidney dysfunction, you should inform your access center representative prior only. If you have so, you would not be given contrast media that is iodine based, or you might have to switch to alternate diagnostic methods
  • The contrast is administered via IV line, and you will be asked to sign a consent for the same.
  • A double contrast technique is also used sometimes. You will require to drink a contrast media before the exam and you will be given IV contrast as well. These improve the quality of Ct scan images.
  • Allergy– if you have had allergic reaction you need to tell your center. IV contrast is not administered if you have had a severe or anaphylactic reaction to any contrast media in the past. If you had mild to moderate response, yo will be given a medicine to take before the CT test. All the things are first discussed with you and your physician.
  • Eat/Drink– if you have suggest CT with Contrast, you will need to not eat anything 3-4 hours before and drink only clear fluids. If you are suggested CT without contrast you can drink and eat or take you medication prior to the exam as usual.
  • Diabetic-if you have diabetes you need to eat a light breakfast and lunch 3 hours prior to the scan. You might be asked to not take your diabetic medication 48 hour after the exam, depending on your condition.
  • Medication- based on your medical condition you might be guided otherwise, else you can take your prescribed medications as usual.

After The CT Scan

  • If contrast dye was administered during the procedure, you may be asked to stay in the hospital for side effects for little time. They might include itching, swelling, rash, or trouble breathing.
  • You shall tell your healthcare provider if you notice any of the signs after you reach home. They could be signs of an infection or other types of reaction.
  • If you were given iv by mouth you might have diarrhoea or constipation after the procedure.
  • Your healthcare provider may give you other instructions, depending on your situation.


There are many diseases that cannot be diagnosed with accuracy by only physical examination and blood tests, we often need to take advanced diagnostics to help determine the condition. Although the CT scan is a diagnostic tool and is capable of diagnosing with accuracy but you might wonder how much CT Scan cost is, there are many diagnostic centre that offer cheap CAT scan, you can search for Best Diagnostic Center in delhi and have yourself tested.


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